Zeta Tau Alpha

Founded: October 15, 1898 at Virginia State Female Normal School (Longwood University)

Established at Elon: April 17, 1971

Organization Nickname: ZTA, Zeta

Council: Panhellenic Association

Mission: To intensify friendship, think in terms of all mankind and our service in the world, look for the good in everyone, and to devote ourselves to the right the good and the true… with the foundation precept of ZTA: love, “the greatest of all things”.

Motto: “Seek the Noblest”

Values: Sisterhood, Service, Loyalty, Honor

Colors: Turquoise Blue, Steel Grey

Symbol: Five-Pointed Crown

Flower: White Violet

National Philanthropies: Breast Cancer Education and Awareness

Local Philanthropies: Breast Cancer Education and Awareness (Partnerships: Bright Pink, National Football League, American Cancer Society)

Local Service: Peace Haven Farm Volunteering, Allied Churches Volunteering, Chemo Care Packages, Salvation Army Christmas Stockings, Little Pink Houses of Hope

GPA Requirement: 2.75

Chapter Night/Time: Monday at 8:00 pm

Membership Cost (Dues): TBD


E: hsuire@elon.edu