Sigma Sigma Sigma
Founded: April 20, 1898 at Longwood College
Established at Elon: April 25, 1970
Chapter Branch: Delta Beta Chapter
Organization Nickname: Tri Sigma
Mission Statement: To establish among its members a perpetual bond of friendship, develop strong womanly character, and impress upon them high standards of conduct.
Motto: “Faithful Unto Death”
Values: Wisdom, Faith, Power, Hope, Love
Colors: Royal Purple, White
Symbol: The Sailboat
Flower: Purple Violet
National Philanthropies: March of Dimes, Robbie Page Memorial, The Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation
GPA Requirement: 2.9
Chapter Night/Time: Sunday at 6:00 pm
Membership Cost (Dues): $415 per semester
President: Bryana Riordan (
Vice President of Recruitment: Lindsey Ward (